Sunday, February 12, 2012

ICON Directory Path in Oracle Application Server 10g - By Khurram

How to Set ICON Directory Path in Oracle AS - 10g

1.       Go to APPS Server Base Directory
2.       Find “registry.bat” on the following location  Oracle_HOME/forms/java/oracle/forms/
3.       Do following Configuration
o    Open registry and change the Apps Server IP & Port accordingly
o    default.icons.iconpath=http://your_IP:Your_Port/forms/icons
o    default.icons.iconextension=gif
4.        go to "Oracle_HOME"/forms/server/form.config
o   add the following line and change accordingly (you can change “c:\icons/$1” path accordingly)
o    AliasMatch ^/forms/icons/(..*) "c:\icons/$1"
5.       To verify restart the Apps Services & enter following line
http:// your_IP:Your_Port /forms90/icons/any_icon_name.gif